Biz Stone's Blog Cabin Empire

Biz Stone is a genius. Sort of.
First, he named the first chapter of his book after a song by the band Pixies, "Where is My Mind?"
Secondly, he helped to create the blog environment that has helped change the internet.
After reading through parts his book, "Who Let the Blogs Out?", I can assure you that his work in creating blog communities has been revolutionary.
He gives many tips throughout the book for keeping blogs. Some of the best include,
- "Links are the currency of the blogosphere. Every time another blogger links to you, your blog becomes more 'valuable'. If a blogger links to you, traffic to your blog will increase dramatically for a short time."
- "Comments are a way for readers to attach their two cents to a particular bog entry. [...] In an ideal situation, reader comments are an extension of the original post - a conversation that takes place right on your site and ads value to your initial thought."
- "Find an anonymous blogging provider such as Invisiblog."
All of these were helpful in my understanding of the blog world. His assertion that the blogosphere is a community where we MUST comment and link and interact is right on the money.
One question I had going in to this assignment was the 'safety' of the information on a blog. I don't intend to disclose too much information on this blog, but when I create one for strictly personal topics I will undoubtably pick an anonymous blooging site.
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